ferna has certainly already made an impression with her unique and signature sound. Blurring irresistible melodies with stripped-back instrumentals, her music will pick you up and leave you wanting more. With a successful string of releases under her belt, she’s now returning with her new album “understudy.”
Irresistible, diverse and colourful, “understudy” is potentially Ferna’s best release yet. The album manages merge different genres and inspirations together to create a body of work that will be sure to take you on a musical journey. “understudy” is a 10-track offering that fully showcases ferna’s vivid and well-written lyricism.
Speaking about the album, ferna reveals: “understudy is all about what’s going on beneath the surface. Who is not getting to speak? What nuances are we not picking up on? And what happens then, when we become spectators, rather than players, in our own lives?
The songs are inspired by the likes of the life story of Coretta Scott King (author, leader and wife of MLK) [walk on & bleed], as well as Milkman [wasting] which offers an introverted teenager's perspective on Belfast's troubles. But the album returns regularly and often to my own struggles to find my voice in dying friendships [morning after, go quietly, lights out] and strange places[new city, river].
Sonically, Stu and I were already obsessed with every tiny detail, but this became hyper important due to the theme running through the album. We needed to pay attention to everything that was going on to do it justice ! I can honestly say that every single note, effect and instrument has been handpicked and agonized over at some point. Am really happy with the meld of electronic and organic sounds, clean and imperfect notes, delicate and powerful performances that we captured together, mostly just the two of us in his little home studio.”
Be excited about ferna - we certainly are.